Here is a great site that covers the ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitiude Battery) Test. It has study materials and a free practice area that can be really helpful. At the bottom, there is some super interesting information about all of the different jobs available, opportunities to serve, and the ASVAB scores required to get those jobs.......................... https://www.mometrix.com/academy/asvab-test/
MCJROTC requires that every cadet wear their uniform at least once per week, all day in school. (Cadets may take off their uniform for sports and PE requirements, but must wear their uniform after that class unless it is the last period of the day)
If a cadet is sick or is out of school on Wednesday Uniform Day without prior knowledge of being out of school, that cadet will wear their uniform on Thursday, and see their Class Leader, or an instructor for a grade. If the cadet is sick on Wednesday, and Thursday they will weaer their uniform on Friday and have their PT gear for class. If the cadet is sick on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, then the uniform week is over and the cadet will wear their uniform the following week's uniform day. You do not need to wear your uniform on Monday.
If a state test falls on a uniform day, a cadet is taking the test, they do not have to wear their uniform on that testing day, but it is their responsibility to wear their uniform the next day in school.
If a cadet knows that they will be sick or out of school on a uniform day, then it is their responsibility to wear their uniform on Tuesday the day before the uniform day.
If a cadet knows that they will be out of school on uniform day and they wear their uniform the day prior, but end up coming to school on uniform day, then they are not required to wear their uniform but it is HIGHLY encouraged that they do to be in sync with the rest of the unit.
If there are any questions regarding our uniform policy, ASK...........